The new Vice President for Teaching at the Technical University of Hamburg is Professor Wolfgang Kersten. At the suggestion of TU President Andreas Timm-Giel, the Academic Senate has elected the engineer for logistics and corporate management to the office of Vice President for Teaching. His term of office begins on December 1, 2022, and lasts three years. He succeeds Professor Kerstin Kuchta.
Andreas Timm-Giel: "With Wolfgang Kersten, TU Hamburg is getting a Vice President for Teaching who will continue the further development of teaching on the basis of the excellent preliminary work and with a special focus on digitalization at TU Hamburg and lead the discourse necessary for this. I am very much looking forward to working with him. However, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank outgoing Vice President Kerstin Kuchta for her great commitment, which she will continue at TU Hamburg." As of December, Kerstin Kuchta will once again be devoting more time to her professorial research and teaching in the fields of sustainable circular economy and resource and energy management, which are key areas for the TU Hamburg.
Wolfgang Kersten now bears strategic responsibility in the Executive Board for the area of teaching and is looking forward to his upcoming term of office: "My focus will be on offering young people a particularly inspiring place to learn and thereby inspiring them to study engineering at TU Hamburg. To achieve this, I want to make the best possible use of digitization in teaching for the benefit of students and combine it with classroom teaching. I am convinced that in the future, successful universities will have to be able more than ever not only to provide their students with a qualified education, but also to inspire them time and again with special offers. An excellent basis for this are the teaching innovations that have been developed with great commitment in many places at the TU Hamburg in recent years. I would like to continue to drive these forward and make them more visible both internally and externally."
Wolfgang Kersten has been a professor at the TU Hamburg since 1998. After studying industrial engineering with a focus on mechanical engineering at the TU Darmstadt, the engineer earned his doctorate in 1989 on the planning of process innovations at the University of Passau. This was followed by several years as a department head at Mercedes Benz AG and Daimler Benz AG before he moved to the Chair of Logistics at the TU Munich. His research focuses on digital transformation, resilience and risk management as well as complexity and sustainability management in logistics. In addition to his involvement in scientific committees and as a member of the advisory board and supervisory board, Kersten has also been spokesman for the research focus "Logistics Management & Technology" at TU Hamburg since this year.
TUHH - Public Relations Office
Franziska Trede
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