05.11.2024 - 06.11.2024 09:00-17:00
Doctoral candidates and postdocs with some presentation experience
"Wow, that presenter is so good in front of an audience. If only that were easier for me!" Being a good speaker is often just a question of developing a set of skills and techniques. The use of voice and body language, an effective presentation structure and the dynamic use of language require awareness and practice. The workshop helps to identify and explore these requirements, from self-reflection to self-assurance and long-term excellence.
Content Outline:
• Effectively introducing yourself
• Structuring and engaging the audience in one’s talk
• Affirming the strengths and individual style of the speaker
• Improving body language and vocal quality, tactics for dealing with nervousness
• Dealing with challenging questions (Q&A sessions)
• Networking at conferences
Veranstaltungsort: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001 and B 0.006
Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TU Hamburg