Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

10.12.2024 09:00-17:30

Doctoral candidates and postdocs

Based on the DFG-Recommendations and Guidelines “Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice (2013 and 2019), the participants will get an overview about the rules of good scientific practice and how to deal with cases of scientific misconduct. Frequent areas of conflict and the grey zone between questionable research practice, violation of rules and misconduct will be elucidated. Based on case examples of data management, authorship and publication process, and supervision, the concrete implementation will be presented. An overview of the German ombuds system will be illustrated, and the participants will learn to develop appropriate solutions to conflicts and other difficult situations in the process of science. They will have the possibility to ask questions and to resolve lack of knowledge and uncertainties related to the practical handling of Good scientific practice in everyday work.

The content of the course follows the curriculum “Good scientific practice” which was commissioned by and developed in cooperation with the German Research Ombudsman and revised in 2019.

Veranstaltungsort:  TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001

Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TU Hamburg

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