Steady as You Go! Navigating Challenges and Building Resilience in Communication

06.06.2024 - 13.06.2024 09:00-17:00

Doctoral candidates and Postdocs

Are you stuck in “muddy thinking” patterns? Mindful communication principles can be used as practical and helpful tools in navigating communication in the research process. These principles include setting an intention, being fully present, remaining open and non-judgmental, and relating to others with compassion. We will focus specifically on bringing a greater level of awareness to the two major components of communication: listening and speaking.

Content Outline:
• using mindfulness techniques to help achieve specific goals
• managing challenging situations with emotional resilience techniques
• developing self-awareness and self-confidence though role-play and feedback
• clarifying misconceptions and “faulty-thinking” patterns
• understanding and practicing body-mind connections
• using language "tools" for framing and focusing

Veranstaltungsort:  June 6: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001 and B 0.006, June 13: online via Zoom

Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TU Hamburg

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